There’s something around us. An ominous force lingers just beyond our grasp, tantalisingly close yet infinitely distant. Its essence lingers in the air, a noxious blend of decay and malice that seeps into your very being.

It slithers and creeps around your head, whispering unspoken horrors into your ear. It coils and hides in the darkest corners of your home, a malevolent presence waiting to strike.

It hangs in the sky like a black veil, shrouding the world in an endless night. And as you gaze out into the distant fields or sink your toes into the muddy earth, you feel its touch – cold, clammy, and all-consuming.

The world may have buried the things it fears most under a cloak of science and modernity, but for some, the whispers of the supernatural never fade.

While most turn a blind eye, those attuned to the hidden rhythms of the universe know that something else lurks just beneath the surface of our reality. 

Beyond the mundane distractions of everyday life lies a dark, pulsating energy that defies explanation. It hums and crackles with ancient power, a remnant of a world that was once alive with magic and mystery. And for those brave enough to listen, to heed the call of the unknown, a world of wonder awaits.

Luciferatu is a developing collection of information, resources and general thoughts related to topics that generally appeal to our interests stemming from morbid curiosity, and our need to learn more about things that are mysterious, just out of reach. Sometimes, taboo. 

This is a place for you to read about and immerse yourself with various subjects ranging from all-things occult, mythology, parapsychology and the macabre.

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Chinese mythology is a collection of ancient beliefs, legends, and stories that have been passed down throughout Chinese history....

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Human skulls have been used for a variety of strange and sometimes macabre purposes throughout history. For example, they've been used as trophies, relics, decorations, in medicine, art, as containers,...
Human decomposition refers to the process by which the physical structure of a human body breaks down after death. This process is natural and occurs as a result of the...
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Morbid curiosity is a term used to describe an interest in death, injury, disaster, or other macabre topics. It is a form of psychological phenomenon that involves a fascination with...
Cannibalism is defined as the act of consuming the flesh or internal organs of another individual of the same species. This behaviour is most commonly associated with human beings, but...
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Chinese mythology is a collection of ancient beliefs, legends, and stories that have been passed down throughout Chinese history....
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Why are we fascinated about dark, macabre things?

There are various reasons why people might be fascinated about the macabre. They might be naturally curious about dark and mysterious things in general. Many experience a sense of Morbid Curiosity which is satisfied by seeking out macabre information.

There might be emotional reasons behind seeking information about these topics. You might get a sort of emotional thrill through strong emotions such as fear and horror, which can be appealing to some people.

Of course, there are those with educational reasons, those who are studying related topics or are otherwise interested in learning more about history, culture and human behaviour – which all include macabre elements.

Of course, macabre topics make excellent material for art, and many people seek out related themes and concepts for artistic inspiration for their writing, painting, music and other forms of art.

Examples of macabre topics

The macabre usually refers to topics that are generally considered dark. For example, topics that deal with death, the afterlife, violence, crime, the dark side of human nature and frightening aspects of life, and the supernatural.

The list of macabre topics is long and varied, but here are a few common topics of interest: