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What is Astrology?

Astrology is a practice that seeks to understand the relationship between celestial bodies and events that occur on the earth. It involves the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars and how they relate to human affairs and natural phenomena.

Astrology has its roots in ancient civilisations, including Babylon, Greece, and China, and has been used for thousands of years as a tool for divination, prediction, and personal insight.

In astrology, each celestial body is assigned a specific astrological sign or symbol, such as Aries, or Leo, and is said to have certain characteristics and energies associated with it. The positions of the celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth are used to create a birth chart or horoscope, which is used to gain insight into a person’s personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, and life path.

There are many different branches of astrology, including Western astrology, Eastern astrology, Hindu astrology, and others, each with its own unique interpretation of the celestial bodies and their significance. Some astrologers also incorporate numerology, tarot, and other divination practices into their work.

Astrology is often considered a form of divination or prophecy and is not considered a science by the academic community, although many people find it to be a useful tool for self-discovery and insight.

Famous astrologers

There have been many famous astrologers throughout history, and their impact has varied greatly depending on the time and place in which they lived.

Here are some of the most well-known astrologers:

  • Michel de Nostredame, also known as Nostradamus, was a 16th-century French astrologer and physician who is best known for his book of prophetic quatrains, “Les Propheties.”
  • Linda Goodman was a 20th-century American astrologer who wrote several popular books on astrology, including “Sun Signs,” which has sold millions of copies worldwide.
  • Evangeline Adams was an American astrologer who lived in the early 20th century and was known for her astrological consultations and her role in establishing astrology as a legitimate form of divination.
  • Caroline Casey is a contemporary American astrologer who is known for her work in integrating astrology with social and political activism.
  • Rob Brezsny is a contemporary American astrologer who writes the popular “Free Will Astrology” column, which is syndicated in newspapers across the United States.
  • Jayalalitha Jayaram was an Indian politician who served as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and was known for her interest in astrology and her reliance on astrological advice in her political and personal life.


These are just a few of the many famous astrologers who have influenced the practice of astrology and its cultural significance throughout history.

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