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What's the definition of telekinesis?

Telekinesis is often depicted in popular culture as the ability to move objects or change events using only the power of one’s mind, without the use of physical force. This concept has been explored in numerous books, movies, and TV shows, and has been a subject of interest in the fields of parapsychology, psychology, and neuroscience. It’s often depicted in popular culture as a supernatural power.

Many people claim to possess telekinetic abilities, but these claims have not been substantiated by scientific investigation. Skeptics argue that telekinesis is a form of self-delusion or wishful thinking, and that any apparent instances of telekinetic activity can be explained by more mundane causes, such as trickery or sensory deception.

History of telekinesis

The concept of telekinesis has been present in various cultures and belief systems throughout history. The term “telekinesis” was first coined in the late 19th century by psychologist Alexander N. Aksakof, who used it to describe the ability to move objects without physical contact.

Much earlier than that, in ancient Greece, it was believed that certain individuals had the ability to move objects and influence events through the power of their mind, a power that was often attributed to the gods. 

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church considered telekinesis and other psychic abilities to be heretical, and those who claimed to possess such abilities were often persecuted as witches.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, interest in telekinesis and other psychic abilities grew as a result of the spiritualist movement, which advocated for the belief in an afterlife and communication with spirits. 

In the 1930s and 1940s, psychologist J.B. Rhine, one of the pioneers of parapsychology, conducted several studies on telekinesis and other psychic abilities at Duke University, a private research university in North Carolina.

In the 1970s, researchers such as Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI, a scientific research institute in California) conducted experiments aimed at demonstrating the validity of telekinesis.

In recent years, some researchers have continued to investigate the potential existence of telekinesis, but the majority of the scientific community remains skeptical of its validity. Despite numerous claims and anecdotal reports of telekinetic abilities, there is still no solid scientific evidence to support the existence of telekinesis.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, interest in telekinesis and other psychic abilities has continued, and it remains a topic of fascination and speculation in popular culture, often portrayed in movies, books, and television shows.

What are the different forms of telekinesis?

The different forms of telekinesis are often described as follows:

  • Object manipulation: The ability to move, levitate, or otherwise manipulate physical objects using only the power of the mind.
  • Telekinetic energy projection: The ability to project a telekinetic energy force that can affect physical objects or cause them to move.
  • Telekinetic energy sensing: The ability to sense the presence of telekinetic energy in others or in the environment.
  • Psycho-kinesis: The ability to influence or control physical events or objects using the power of the mind, such as bending spoons or causing electronic devices to malfunction.


The forms of telekinesis above are some of the most commonly discussed and recognised forms of telekinesis. There may be some additional or alternative forms of telekinesis that are described by proponents of the phenomenon or within different cultural or spiritual beliefs.

What are the theories about how telekinesis might work?

Some researchers and proponents of telekinesis have put forward a number of theories and ideas about how telekinesis might work, including:

  • Psychicokinetic energy: Some proponents of telekinesis claim that the mind can generate a form of psychokinetic energy that can be used to move objects or influence events.
  • Mental vibrations: Some theorists propose that telekinesis works by creating mental vibrations or waves that can cause physical objects to move.
  • Psi particles: Some proponents of telekinesis have proposed the existence of “psi particles,” which are said to be generated by the mind and capable of affecting physical objects.
  • Quantum mechanics: Some theorists have suggested that telekinesis might work through the principles of quantum mechanics, which could allow the mind to influence physical objects at a subatomic level.

Historical and cultural perspectives on telekinesis

Telekinesis, or the idea of using the power of the mind to move physical objects, has a long history and has been a topic of interest in many cultures and traditions.

  • Ancient cultures: Telekinesis-like abilities were often attributed to gods, sorcerers, and mystics in ancient cultures such as those of Greece, Egypt, and China.
  • Spirituality: Many spiritual and religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and certain forms of mysticism, include the belief in psychic abilities such as telekinesis.
  • Parapsychology: The modern study of telekinesis emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as part of the broader field of parapsychology, which sought to study psychic and paranormal phenomena.
  • Popular culture: Telekinesis has been a popular theme in movies, books, comics, and other forms of popular culture, often depicted as a superhero power or a tool for psychic spies.

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